Advertisement* As I recommend everyone who intends to visit the Kind + Jugend trade fair, you need at the very least 2 days there, better are three days. There is just so much to see, the trade fair is huge. So my second day was on Saturday (you can read about my first day there here). This time I met up with my colleague from work and spend most of my time following her and learning new information.
Second visit to iCandy
This time we met up the iCandy’s sale representative for Germany who is also our contact for the shop we work at. If you are following my blog or Instagram you know that I am rather a fan of iCandy strollers, we have the iCandy Raspberry2 and borrowed the brand new iCandy Peach when we came to England last month.

Talking to an Englishman we of course discussed Zara Phillips as the most famous British Mum (& Royal) who is an iCandy Mum. I’ve seen a lot of pictures of her and her iCandy Land Rover edition. The Land Rover edition has a very special chassis colour (it is partly orange) and the wheels are rather big and have a good grip.
There’s also a newer version of the Allterrain stroller, I already wrote about it yesterday, it suits your family and is easy to configure every day whatever you plan on doing.
In 2019 there will be a promising new iCandy stroller, the Lime. What I already adore about the iCandy Lime is the buggy board which is part of the chassis. The Lime looks lovely, is easy to push and with the board you can use it for two kids. I tend to find buggy boards sometimes a bit expensive and then annoying, this is my perfect solution now. The seat can be used world- or parent-facing, the fold is smallish. As I mentioned I see a new trend, a smaller size stroller with all the features of a bigger one, but with bigger wheels than a buggy.
Our next stop was Easywalker. At boyce and girls the Easywalker strollers and buggies have been available for quite some time. We used to have the Mosey+ and the Harvey, now Easywalker introduced the brand new Harvey2. As I never used an Easywalker myself, I can only say what I learned there. Rather obvious are the new colours, my colleague and I each fell in love with a colour. The new pink is kind of an old fashioned rose colour called „desert pink“, there’s a petrol colour called „ocean blue“ and a green „coral green“. Of course there are also less colourful or bright options like „night black“ and „stone grey“. Everything feels very luxurious and it weighs only 10.8 kilograms while you can also attach a sibling seat.

The big news was a completely new stroller though, the Harvey2’s little brother, the Easywalker Charley. It is again (as the iCandy Lime) a stroller with the comfort and features of a full sized stroller but smaller. It comes in lovely colours as well and has a bumper bar, a big (ish) basket and weighs in at only 8 kilograms. The fold is small and it is free standing. There are also height adaptors and the seat can be used world-facing or looking to the parent.
The Easywalker Buggy XS is great for parents who travel a lot or need a tiny buggy for city life. It weighs only 6 kilograms, has a bumper bar and a decent size basket (especially for that size buggy) and it offers a rather flat resting position. Easywalker promotes it as „cabin-size“ (always check with your airline). The rain cover is included in the package, something which annoyingly loads of brands stopped doing. For people preferring the classical umbrella buggy there is the Buggy+ with height adjustable handles and you can buy a bumper bar as an accessory.
Top secret at Mutsy
Mutsy showed us the new Mutsy Nio and a still secret new stroller. The Nexo, the i2 and the Evo will also be available with just a few differences in colours and combinations. Mutsy reduced the choice of chassis colours a bit.

I can’t tell you a lot about Joolz either, we were standing there for a while and then looked around a bit. There appear to be a few new colours for the Joolz Day3, one has light reflecting fabrics, my phone appears not to be able to make it visible although I did use the flash as the sign said. The Joolz Geo2 and the Joolz Hub are also available in 2019 and don’t visibly appear to have changed.
Great ideas at Babyzen Yoyo
Next we stopped at the stand of Babyzen Yoyo. They introduced two brilliant new features. There is an extension for the seat. The Babyzen Yoyo+ still fits taller children but when asleep the legs hadn’t had much support, now you can clip on an extension.

The other new accessory is a bag which has a wheel so it doesn’t make the buggy topple over as it has it’s weight on the wheel. The bag was surprisingly spacious in one of the examples there were 4 2 liter bottles of water. Great for doing your shopping or bringing all the stuff you need with a toddler.
Then we went to Nomi highchairs. We have the high chairs in the shop at boyce and girls and as a family we have two Nomis at home for the school children at their desks. Now after a year of heavy use I can still say we like a Nomis a lot and I’d always recommend them. There are new colours, a navy blue, an orange red and a dark grey.
Quinny Hubb

The last product I saw on Saturday was the new stroller by Quinny (Dorel) the Hubb (the name surprised me a bit seeing the Joolz Hub) which is a single or double stroller, whatever you need it to be. I liked the straightforward and sleek design and the lovely colours.
Here is part 3 of my report.
*Please note I am German and not a native speaker. I mention brand names and information I got from different companies. I was neither influenced nor paid to write this article. By German court ruling mentioning and showing brand names still constitutes „advertisement“. All opinions and photos are my own.
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